The Turn Yourself On Podcast with Marina J

44. Magnetic Leadership is Not for the Faint Hearted...

Marina J

Joining me today is the brilliant Mary Henderson, a Transformational Leader and an internationally recognised Personal Branding and Online Business Specialist.

We talked about the importance of magnetic leadership, and embodied leadership and what that looks like... and why in this new era we're in, you and I can spot BS in a heart beat! SO it's TIME to be completely YOU when you're selling and coaching!  How do we have the confidence to do that when we can get so diluted? Mary shares her exact process to do that.

Mary also shared that she was in a car crash last week - (she's ok!) And - with it came a major breakthrough that has changed her life. And as kismet would have it, I also had a major download too last Sunday, so we riff on that... you're going to really enjoy this podcast, it's part business, part personal chat and all about getting real!

You can reach Mary Henderson here


Free Masterclasses:  The most powerful antidote to narcissistic abuse is to change the relationship with yourself first. If you want to stop treating yourself like the narcissist did where you’re hard on yourself which makes it hard to love yourself and you gaslight yourself out of standing in your power, you are invited to my 3 day free masterclass series on the 17th, 18th and 19th September for you rise after narcissistic abuse. This is for leaders and trailblazers and women who know they are meant for so much more! You can learn more and register here to watch live and receive the replays.  Massive HUG! See you on the other side xx

The Flourish Collective: My program to dissolve the damaging effects narcissistic abuse has had on you - so you have a flourishing relationship with yourself and with life, so you wake up in the morning free to be fully YOU! It's all the pieces to flourish - it's the energetic, practical, emotional and mindset piece to take you from surviving to thriving. Book a 15 min call with me here or email me and let me know you're interested in Flourish and I'll send you the deets here 

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Love Marina x