The Turn Yourself On Podcast with Marina J

Episode 17: Discernment v Confusion

A lot of information is coming at us from the truther community and mainstream media right now - question is - how do you discern what is truth and what is untrue? Discernment is a skill we need this year more than ever before and I'm strengthening mine.

Being taught to believe in authority is a program. Do you give your authority away so easily to someone who “knows?" Or do you discern what is right and what is wrong for you, each step of the way?

On today's podcast we focus on strengthening your discernment and I also cover what I see unfolding over the next few years... but either way - your discernment will tell you whether that's true for you or not!

So we're grooving with these subjects today:

  • How to discern between real light and false light. 
  • Cognitive dissonance, gaslighting, global narcissism.
  • Discernment will look different for those in 3D to those in 5D.
  • Discernment isn't mind over matter, it's feelings over matter.
  • Having your attention hijacked by the outside world cuts your creativity in half. 
  • How to strengthen your discernment muscle so you can navigate your highest timeline this year.

To learn more about discernment, strengthening yourself and healing yourself, head to