The Turn Yourself On Podcast with Marina J

Episode 20: How to Rise above the Matrix + Create!

Season 1 Episode 20

You came to this planet to experience physical creation. That's why we are here. So anything that takes us away from that? Is to be dropped! If you’re finding yourself unable to create? This podcast is to help you undo that. Here are my 5 go-to's to rise above the matrix + create!

  1. Responding instead of reacting to the world means your creative energy does not leak out in the outside world and around certain people. 
  2. How unhooking yourself from global narcissistic abuse is a must. We thrive by focussing on our growth, not fearing their growth.
  3. Win the internal war and we win the external war. Have you made friends with the shadow that's pulling you out of creation? (I'm running a course on this soon, stay tuned by adding yourself to my newsletters below and receive a free masterclass now.)
  4. Build yourself up buttercup! You need energy to create! Are you consuming or are you creating?
  5. What does humanity need? Questions to activate your creativity. 

Listen to this podcast anytime you need to unhook from the matrix - and share with anyone in your life who is getting sidetracked by the chaos.

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