The Turn Yourself On Podcast with Marina J
Turn your power ON with the Turn Yourself ON podcast so you remember WHO you ARE. I’m Marina J and I’m a #1 best selling author, psychic life coach and speaker who has helped thousands of people for over 24 years, heal their life back to fabulous - because YOU ARE FABULOUS. Together we’re going talk shadow work, emotional and metaphysical healing and all things ascension! You can reach me at MarinaJ.net for my coaching, courses and my #1 best-selling book, Turn Yourself ON. Are you ready to turn yourself ON? Let’s begin!
The Turn Yourself On Podcast with Marina J
Episode 25: March Energy Update
Season 1
Episode 25
So many of us are needing to withdraw from the world in order to exchange our old engine for the new one that will take us neutrally and beautifully into 2021. It's exciting but tiring (are you getting enough rest?) Today we're talking the energy in March, equal energy exchanges and this being the actual last week of 2020 - after an incredible year - who are you now?
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