The Turn Yourself On Podcast with Marina J
Turn your power ON with the Turn Yourself ON podcast so you remember WHO you ARE. I’m Marina J and I’m a #1 best selling author, psychic life coach and speaker who has helped thousands of people for over 24 years, heal their life back to fabulous - because YOU ARE FABULOUS. Together we’re going talk shadow work, emotional and metaphysical healing and all things ascension! You can reach me at MarinaJ.net for my coaching, courses and my #1 best-selling book, Turn Yourself ON. Are you ready to turn yourself ON? Let’s begin!
The Turn Yourself On Podcast with Marina J
Episode 26: Put a Rocket in your Knickers!
Season 1
Episode 26
Lightworkers! Have you taken your last swig of water? Cause we're at the start line! We've completed 20 years of intense initiations - are you ready?
We are at the beginning of 20 years of service without so many personal distractions. This podcast is to get you into the zone by putting a rocket in your knickers! I'm singing the Queen song right now - Don't Stop Me Nowwwww - are you ready? LET'S GO!!! This world needs YOU out there with the EXACT energy you HAVE. NOW!!
For more support and sessions head to https://marinaj.net/